Nyx Pixie Hollow


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  • Adaptational Displacement: Many book-only characters like Rani and Prilla are obscure due to the film's being more popular than the original books.
  • Base-Breaking Character: Tinker Bell's characterization. In the originalmovies, Tinker Bell was a Jerk with a Heart of Gold with a Hair-Trigger Temper and attempted to kill Wendy because she was jealous of her getting close to Peter. Meanwhile, she's shown to be a Cute Clumsy Girl, Nice Girl, All-Loving Hero, and sometimes a whimsical soul in the Disney Fairies franchise. Disney Fairies either just characterized her in what was best marketable to little girls, depicted Tink before she lost her innocence in whatever tragedy that fan theories like to make, and/or it shows Tinker Bell as a multifaceted person.
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  • Broken Base: There's a split between book fans and film fans due to the Canon Foreigners of the movies replacing several Adapted Out characters.
  • Crack Ship: For a while, Queen Clarion was shipped with the Minister of Spring, until Secret of the Wings introduced Lord Milori and revealed that she and Lord Milori are an Official Couple.
  • Crossover Ship: Shipping the Disney Fairies with either Epic characters or Strange Magic characters.
  • Designated Villain:
    • Almost always Vidia, though less so in The Great Fairy Rescue (later stories turn her into a more grouchy protagonist than the villain), and Ginger in Dulcie's Taste of Magic.
    • Arguably Clarion in Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand when she used her wish to shrink the hawks so they wouldn't eat fairies anymore. This is treated by others like it was an act of cruelty, even though hawks in this universe are sentient and perfectly capable of surviving without eating fairies but do nevertheless.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse:
    • Vidia. Being a Deadpan Snarker with a heart of gold, this is hardly surprising.
    • Fawn. So much so that she stars in her own picture, Legend of the NeverBeast, complete with a new voice actor and outfit.
    • Rani and Prilla are the most popular book-exclusive fairies.
  • Evil Is Sexy:
    • James in The Pirate Fairy, it helps that who his voice actor is.
    • Vidia, though she was only an antagonist in the first movie. At least, talking about the evil part, that is.
  • Fandom-Specific Plot: An original fairy character being a fire-talent and unintentionally causing trouble by either being an omen of doom or Power Incontinence. Became Ascended Fanon when Never Girls introduced the Pixie Hollow's first ever fire-talent fairy, Necia.
  • Fanfic Fuel: Every 972 years, Gruff must go through something similar to Legend of the Neverbeast. How many Fawns and Nyxes has he known throughout the eons? How many more will he know in eons to come? Will the fairies he encounters the next time he wakes up even understand what Fawn wrote about him, or will they be as confused as Nyx was?
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  • Fanon: Make no mistake, you may hear that Tinker Bell was born from Wendy's first laugh, but this is fanon. This largely died out by the time of Secret of the Wings, just as Periwinkle was introduced.
  • Fanon Discontinuity:
    • Rani eventually gets her wings back, but most fans prefer her as a wingless fairy so this gets ignored.
    • Some like to ignore the movies for contradicting Tink's depiction in Peter Pan while accusing the movies of making Peter Pan into a Cash Cow Franchise.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple:
    • It would appear that Terence was supposed to be Tink's love interest, but a significant portion of the fandom thought he was a pretty boy caricature (he's simply nice to the point of blandness, with his only real quirk being that he's a Neat Freak), and thought that Tink/Bobble was much more appealing.
    • Tink/Vidia has an immense following as well. There's a good number of fanfics dedicated to them. Not surprising, really. Just take a gander at the Les Yay page.
    • Tink/Silvermist also seems popular for Silvermist being a supportive friend to Tink.
  • Foe Yay: Tinker Bell and Vidia (though only apparent in the first movie). Rosetta and Rumble in Pixie Hollow Games, and Fawn and Nyx in Legend of the Neverbeast have possible subtext as well.
  • Genius Bonus: At the end of Legend of the NeverBeast, Fawn checks Gruff's heartbeat. It's not commented on, but it's slower than normal, which is how Fawn realizes that he's about to hibernate.
  • Girl-Show Ghetto: Despite the franchise's general appeal to everyone , the feminine aspects are heavily played up in advertising and merchandise, which may have hurt the franchise in the long run.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: The ending scene of Legend of the NeverBeast where the fairies have a ceremony for Gruff before he goes into his millennia-long sleep (which is played like he's on his deathbed) and the last shot being of Gruff looking at Fawn before he falls asleep as the camera goes black turned out to be this when the next two movies were cancelled (along with DisneyToon Studios getting shut down), making this movie the last entry in the Disney Fairies film series. As a result, the final scene makes it seem like the fairies are saying goodbye to the viewer as the franchise's last lights go out quietly.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • It's not the only time a geeky Rob Paulsen character shows interest in a Mae Whitman character... Just ask Donatello.
    • Tinker Bell having a distant sister who wears all blue, has a pale hair colour, and ice-based powers. Sound familiar? To add to the coincidence, when Tinker Bell is hiding in the basket to cross the border, Clank and Bobble cover for her by pretending that they're sad to see the basket go. Fairy Mary's response? 'Just let it go!' Periwinkle's hair even looks near identical to several of Elsa's prototypical hairstyles.
    • In Legend of the NeverBeast, Fawn, a fairy good with animals, is voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin. She even has a scene near the beginning where she's teaching baby rabbits how to hop. About a year later, Goodwin would voice an actual animal. A rabbit named Judy Hopps, to be exact.
  • Just Here for Godzilla:
    • Everyone has a particular fairy that they want to show up in each book.
    • A lot of people watched The Pirate Fairy mainly because it featured Tom Hiddleston as James Hook .
  • Les Yay:
    • Silvermist, the water-talent fairy seems pretty into Tinker Bell. Or at least more affectionate than is 'proper' for two platonic fairies! She greets Tink by stroking her nose and saying, 'Easy... Silvermist's got ya.'
    • If we're going to get into Les Yay for this fandom, that's hardly the most prominent example... the high ratio of female characters does increase the possibilities. Vidia & Tinker Bell can easily be turned into a Belligerent Sexual Tension situation, especially with Vidia's constant use of 'sweetie' and 'dear'.
      • In The Great Fairy Rescue, Vidia seems like the only fairy who's genuinely worried about Tink after she gets captured. Sure, Tink's other friends care about rescuing her too and what Tink's in isn't a laughing matter, but they at least soften the situation they're in with humor. Vidia doesn't. Throughout the journey, she's just so... concerned and anxious about her. It seems less like someone worrying about their friend and more like a spouse worried about their lover...
      • To add to that, Vidia actually helped out with a tinker job in building the boat. This is something she probably would have avoided in the past, but she puts that aside just to help Tinker Bell. And then, when the tables are turned with Vidia being the one caught after risking her life for the green dressed fairy, Tink appears to be flying faster then she's ever gone before, like a Fast-Flying Fairy. And, she's the only one of the seven fairies who attempt to stop the car.
      • Also, when Vidia is freed (thanks to the efforts of Tink, mostly) who is the first person that embraces her? Tinker Bell, of course! The two even twirl a little in their hug before the others join in. Then, at the end, Tink and Vidia share a cup of tea. Oh, and, did we mention that they're practically leaning on themselves when they do so? The whole thing is adorable.
      • After her Heel–Face Turn Vidia gets really touchy feely with Tink, is always the first to console her and tends to stand closest to her. She comes across as having a bit of a crush on Tink.
      • Come The Pirate Fairy, Vidia gets hit with the Tinker Talent Pixie Dust. This doesn't go well at first, but when she knocks out one of the pirates, she starts to really embrace her switched talent. Tink is also shown to be impressed. Plus the fact they appear to have more interaction here then any other movie, aside from Great Fairy Rescue. Now if only Tink was turned into a Fast-Flying Fairy one of these days...
      • Close to the end of Pirate Fairy the fairies and blue dust are finally safe. What's the first thing Tink and Vidia do. Hold hands. No, seriously. They hover in front of each other, hands linked, and look into each others eyes until Zarina tries to return the blue dust.
      • And, if that wasn't enough, at the end of one of the coloring books that was released around The Great Fairy Rescue (called Super Special Coloring and Activity Book) Tink and Vidia seem to be shooting each other bedroom eyes.
    • At the very end of Pirate Fairy Tink and Zarina are holding hands and staring into each other's eyes as the rest of Pixie Hollow rushes up to congratulate them on their performance.
    • Tinkerbell and Periwinkle have this despite being twins. Of course it helps that their relationship is played as and compared to Star-Crossed Lovers.
    • Most of Fawn and Nyx's interactions in Legend of the Neverbeast seem less like a character doing their job and another doing the right thing and, without the context, a lot more like couple chatter, with Fawn being the happy, energetic girl and Nyx being the dry, deadpan one.
    • In Legend of the Neverbeast, after Tink gets knocked out by Gruff (though this action was to save her, as revealed later), Fawn holds Tink close in her arms, and later is visibly, hauntingly distressed about it, to the point where she gives Gruff up to Nyx.
  • Misaimed Marketing: There's a line of dolls with some of the characters in beachwear visiting a tropical island. This line includes Periwinkle, a winter fairy who could wilt to death in heat.
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • In Pixie Hollow Games, Rumble crosses this when he shoots Rosetta and Chloe's race car with a lightning bolt. Certainly, it's a horizon crossing in the eyes of his partner, who reacts by throwing the race. Of course, it probably didn't help his situation that Rumble used Glimmer's magic to do it, as he himself can only create thunder, not lightning.
    • James in 'The Pirate Fairy' after he leaves Zarina to drown.
  • Narm: Nyx's staff/spear/lance, which looks hilariously like a striped toothpick.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • In Great Fairy Rescue, Vidia and Tink's reactions to the butterflies that were on display in the human's household. Considering the fact that in the films, they've shown that the insects are all personified and the live butterfly in the jar that Elizabeth's father caught has cartoonish eyes, its mildly shocking to see them dead and on display.
    • The appearance of big (well, for fairies, anyway) rat on the pirate ship from The Pirate Fairy may causes some audiences freaked out. Especially so if you compare the rat with Cheese, the cute mice in Pixie Hollow.
    • It's also a little unsettling for some people anytime Tink gets angry, as seen here.
    • How close Zarina got to drowning in 'The Pirate Fairy'.
    • At the end of Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand, when The wand is throwing fairies around, making them grow and shrink, and throwing them into woods. Vidia is described as being 'near death' as Ree/Clarion bleeds out on the ground and Terrence falls unconscious.
    • Again in the aforementioned book, when Rani is trapped in the mind of a bat and only alive as a tiny voice in its head, forced to do whatever the bat does and unable to move.
    • In 'Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg', when Hook grabs Prilla so tight and crushes her so she can't even scream, and she thinks 'not that screaming would do any good.'
    • At least in he books, the fact that any fairy could drop dead at any given moment because a child somewhere stopped believing in them. Think about that for a minute: any person could vanish with no explanation and never be seen again. This includes people like the Queen hereself, who essentially runs all of Pixie Hollow herself and whose death would cause major consequences.
    • Every time something happens to Ree in the books, it raises questions of what would go down if she died. She practically single-handedly runs everything in Pixie Hollow and there's no one who would take her place.
    • Again in Gail Carson Levine's trilogy: the fate of every existing fairy depends on Mother Dove and her egg, which are both mortal and fragile. When the egg cracks due to a hurricane, it's a major problem that requires an island-wide quest- but it's a thin, delicate egg, and could break at any time. It's a miracle any of the fairies are even still alive.
  • Older Than They Think: The word 'fairy' was used in J.M. Barrie's original Peter Pan. The word 'pixie' was used in Disney's film for no apparent reason. So please don't whine because they use the word 'fairy' in this adaptation.
  • Squick:
    • Some people find the idea of mouse milk and cheese disgusting.
    • The weird Ship Tease that came up between Captain Zarina, an ageless fairy, and her first mate, who is a human adult male. He came across as lovingly admirable of her abilities, even wistful of her, and he was the only one who understood anything she said. Zarina was clearly happiest with him and was the most fond of him. Then he stabs her in the back and you learn for certain that he's Captain Hook.
    • In Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand, when Rani is stuck in the mind of a bat and forced to eat live bugs.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes:
    • 'Flitteriffic!' But other than that, far less than you'd expect.
    • Worse than that, Vidia of all people is resorted to using these puns! (though only in one short, where she was having a nightmare)
  • They Changed It, So It Sucks: The film series has little in common with the books, such as making the attire of many of the fairies Color-Coded for Your Convenience depending on their talent, using an almost entirely new cast of characters with slightly altered personalities (such as Queen Clarion being more distant instead of close to her subjects and there being little to no references to the cast from the books), and introducing new lore for marketing reasons (like the winter fairies and alchemy).
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: The animation in all the movies is far prettier and more detailed than a direct-to-DVD movie series has any right to be.

Scouting-talent fairies are the protecters of Pixie Hollow  such dangers as hawks and other things. They also even defend the hollow by throwing things like fruit and pinecones at said danger. They mostly defend against dangerous animals such as hawks and wasps.

Fawn and her friends were headed out for the night. They had all seen how sad Fawn was after she had to say bye to Gruff, the Neverbeast. They all thought that taking her out for a night would definitely cheer her up!

The friends were on their way to pick up Fawn. Before they knocked on her door, they heard a sparrow man laughing.

'That Sparrow Man sounds like Splash!' Iridessa spoke as she put her ear to the door.

'Argh! He's trying to get to Fawn again!' Rosetta whispered as she face palmed.

Splash was a new born sparrow man. He was a Water talent. Splash had a huge crush on Fawn. Fawn hated Splash, and everything he did to her. Splash always tried to win Fawn but Fawn always ended up hurting him.


'Splash! Go away before I hurt you... Again!' Fawns voice was heard from inside.

'oh please, I know you love me Fawn! You're just playing hard to get!' Splash argued. He was actually I bit afraid that Fawn would hurt him again, like she said.

'look Splash, I don't like you! Get that through you're thick head!'

'Fawn, I know I'm wanted. I'm wanted by everyone! You want me, I know it! Come and give me a big smooch, just for me!'

Fawns friends had made their way to a window that perfectly viewed the two. The friends were tempted to knock on the door, and stop Splash from annoying Fawn, but they wanted to see what Fawn did to splash this time.

'Maybe I will.' Fawn answered with a smirk.

The friends gasped. 'Fawns not going to actually kiss him! Is she?' Silvermist asked with a surprised look on her face.

They continued watching.

Splash smirked as well. Fawn moved closer and closer to him until they were both slowly closed his eyes.

Fawns friends all watched, shocked. Vidias eyes were wide in surprise. Rosetta's nosed scrunched up in disgust. Tinkerbell just stared with a blank look while Silvermist and Iridessa were covering their eyes.

Fawn moved even closer, nearly touching Splashes lips. Fawn opened her eyes and Splash noticed the sudden pause. Splash opened his eyes as well, confused.

'Or maybe I won't.' Fawn spoke confidently. She raised her fist in the air and punched Splash right in the nose, causing it to blead.

Splash cried out in pain as he tried to stop the blood. Fawn kicked him in the legs, making him fall to the ground.

'I'm never -KICK- dating -PUNCH- you!' Fawn screamed as she pushed Splash out the door. Splash slowly flew off, tears in his eyes.

'I knew she wasn't gonna do it!' Rosetta cheered. 'See Vidia, even Fawn knows not to go for ruddy boys!'

Vidia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. The friends knocked on Fawns door and hoped she'd answer. Fawn didn't open the door, instead she sat down on her bed and started crying silently. Fawns friends walked in and saw Fawn.

'Fawn? What's the matter? You just beat up Splash even more worse than last time! You should be happy!' Tink tried to sound encouraging.

'No, it's just, Splash is an idiot. He is just too picky and frustrating! But, he's the only guy that likes me! I don't know what I'm going to do if only a bastard like him loves me!' Fawns sobbing stopped. The sadness just turned into anger.

Everyone but Vidia was surprised at Fawn for using the word Bastard. Fawn never swore, but she seemed so mad.

'Fawn, we were thinking of taking you over to Ro's house. We were gonna invite Nyx, Bobble, Clank and Zarina to come too. To cheer you up.' Silvermist said quietly as she put her hand on Fawns shoulder.

Fawn smiled as she wiped the tear stains off her face. 'Sure.

Nyx Pixie Hollow Movie


Nyx and Zarina were able to come, but for some reason, Bobble and Clank couldn't make it. The little get together was wonderful, it lasted until 11pm. 5 hours spent at Rosetta's house. Zarina had given Fawn a wonderful gift. It was a crystal statue collage of Fawn and some animals. Somehow, Zarina managed to make it quickly before she got to the party, which explains why she was half an hour late.

Finally, after a bit of fun, games, gossip, mucking around and helping, everyone departed to go back home.

'Fawn? Would you like me to escort you home?' Nyx asked Fawn softly. Fawn nodded her head as she yawned and stretched.

'I'm really tired, if no one took me home, I'd probably fall asleep on my way back.' Fawn and Nyx laughed.

Nyx put an arm around Fawn to help her with flying since she was so tired. They both flew back towards Fawns house. Fawn began to close her eyes and drift off to sleep before they actually got to her house. Nyx decided to carry Fawn back and held her tight. The wind was blowing loudly and was making it hard for Nyx to fly. Fawns arms rapped around Nyx's neck as Nyx had one arm under Fawns chest, and the other arm under her legs. They had finally reached home.

Nyx carefully placed Fawn in her bed and pulled the leaf blanket over her. Nyx felt comforted as she looked at Fawn as she snuggled up.

'Thanks for taking me home, Nyx.' Fawn whispered, her eyes still shut.


'Anything for the fairy that saved Pixie Hollow.' Nyx answered with a soft smile.

Nyx kissed Fawn on the forehead and headed towards the door. Fawn smiled as she fell asleep.

'Goodnight Fawn.' Nyx whispered as she looked at Fawn once again.

Nyx went back home and lay in her bed. But, she couldn't go to sleep.

Just stop thinking about her! Go to sleep! There might be danger tomorrow, you need rest! Nyx thought to herself. Come on Nyx! Stop! No, don't think about her! Stop thinking about her!

Nyx rolled around in her bed, clueless of what to do.

Nyx thought to herself for the last time before she fell asleep; Stop thinking about Fawn!


Nyx Pixie Hollow Cut

The next day was wonderful! No clouds in the sky, lovely and warm breeze and best of all, the day Fawn realises something important.

Fawn was definitely not up early, infact, everyone that went to Rosetta's house the night before slept in. Well, all except Nyx of course. Nyx must get up at 5 o'clock every morning to be ready for all danger. But today she got up earlier to do something she hasn't done for years. Nyx pulled out an empty note book and began scribbling down some things. The main things she wrote were last night and Fawn.


Fawn was feeling the same way when she finally woke up. She had just been carried home by Nyx. The thing that mostly surprises Fawn is that Nyx is normally that one person that keeps to herself, not like Vidia, but she doesn't exactly do those things. But, since Nyx had suddenly become great friends with Fawn, maybe she just wanted to look like a good friend. Fawn had so many questions running through her mind.

It actually took a while for Fawn to realise that Nyx had even kissed her on the forehead. Fawn was so sleepy when it happened, she had to think hard to figure it out. Fawn needed to tell someone about this, but she wasn't sure who. Yet, of course, Fawn finally decided to tell Rosetta. Rosetta would be able to explain some things to Fawn... if she knew the situation.

Fawn went to Rosetta's house and knocked hard on the door.

'Hey Ro! I gotta tell you something important!' Fawn shouted as she opened the door in a rush.

Rosetta was drinking a morning coffee and looked up at Fawn. Rosetta placed the cup on the table and went over and closed the door.

'What is it, sugar?' Rosetta asked as she sat down at the table motioning for Fawn to sit down too.

'Uh... well... first, you're the only one I'm telling about this. I'm expecting a bit of help and explaining once I have.'

'Ok. And I'm guessing if I'm the only one who you're telling that its something to do with love, am I right?'

'Well, sorta...'

'Ok then, go on.'

Fawn rubbed the back of her neck and looked down at the table.

'I uh...well... last night when everyone left...geez, how do I explain this?'

Rosetta put her hand on Fawn's shoulder.

'Sug', trust me on this one. I can help! And I'm a bit convinced that it's a fairy, not a sparrow man, since it was only fairies that came last night.'

'Yeah. Ok. Well, here goes!'

Rosetta smiled and sat back in her chair.

'wait, Ro, aren't you weirded out by this?' Fawn asked as she sat down at the table opposite Rosetta.

'What do you mean?'

'How It's kind of love about a fairy.'

'No, I've dealt with a lot of stuff like this. But i shouldn't tell you anything else about that.'

Fawn shrugged and continued.

'Ok. Last night since I was too tired to get home without falling asleep on the way there -Fawn took a deep breath- Nyx offered to take me home.'

Rosetta raised an eyebrow and kind of smirked as she rested her arms on the table.

'At first, she put her arm around me to make sure I didn't just fall asleep straight away..But then... I started to fall asleep. Nyx picked me up and carried me... and uh... my arms were around her neck... so I didn't fall I guess. I was still awake though. Then...when we got home she put me in bet and put the blanket on me. I thanked her, and she said 'Anything for the fairy who saved Pixie Hollow' and then... ok uh...'

Fawn seemed to have froze. She had no idea how Rosetta would react.

'Fawn, remember I have dealt with stuff like this before and I have helped people!' Rosetta encouraged Fawn happily.

Fawn nodded and continued, hoping she wouldn't freeze again.

'Then... she...k-kissed me on the uh forehead. I-I smiled and then fell asleep, but when I fell asleep... Nyx hadn't left yet... so I'm not sure if she left or said something else at all...' Fawn looked up at Rosetta hoping she'd be able to help.

'Oh sugar! Of course I can help you! But what with? Do you like this happening? Or do you not like this happening?' Rosetta asked as she rested her head on her hand.

Fawn shrugged in confusion. She hadn't thought about this at all! Does she actually like this happening?

'I'll let you think for a while, I'm gonna take a quick shower. Tell me when i get out.' Rosetta suggested as she stood up and walked over into a separate room.

Fawn actually realised that she did like it happening. Fawn used her own actions to figure this out. Fawn had put her arm around Nyx's neck on purpose, she just made up an excuse to stop Rosetta from thinking she's kinda weird. And she smiled when Nyx kissed her on the forehead, let alone it made her fall asleep.

After a while, Rosetta finally came back out, ready for Fawn's answer.

'So-oo?' Rosetta asked as she smiled and cocked her head to the side.

'Well uh... Ok, I'm just gonna say... I like it a bit more than I don't like it...' Fawn kind of mumble the last view words but Rosetta heard her anyway.

'Ok, now answer this question. Would you keep on doing stuff like this?'

Fawn gulped loudly.